Episode 12: Feral Summer Szn, Take Your Vitamins, and Proper Pickup Lines

 Hey y'all, welcome back to the Proper Podcast! I'm your host Alexis.

 And your co-host Mike. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Yeah! 

Yeah! Good! Penalty is your own, for you guys right now. 

Oh, let's find the key. 

Yeah, anyways... It is 75 in New York City right now for absolutely no reason, absolutely none. It's 4.41 pm Thursday, you're listening on a Wednesday. 

I mean whenever 93 FLZ Oh 

Mike we already referenced that we can't continue doing it set your tone 

the temperature is cold Honestly, don't know I haven't been outside today at all. I'm just on the balcony to smoke a cigarette or 20 Yeah It's It's a good day. It's an amazing day actually 


 It's nighttime It's an amazing week you guys officially proper 

We're officially properly set into our proper mode. 

We're proper girls We're still deciding if we want to be like proper mom and dad or proper founders like I don't know how we want to reference ourselves yet But we'll see 

founders makes me think of like founding fathers like I feel like we look like Benjamin Franklin You're giving Benjamin Franklin will 

call her daddy does founding father. It's your founding father. 

She does I kind of hate her intro

 It's niche. It's niche. I love everything else about her though 

Yeah, her interview styles are so good 

There used to be a bit that she did that was like pretty cringy, but then I got to a point where I enjoyed it And I was like, okay, I get it. This is why she's number one 

embrace the cringe. That's what we're doing in this year Right. We're coming for you Alex.

 I'm coming on you Alex I'm coming with you Alex We're sort of only fans is gonna have a collab with Alex, of course

 No, oh my god, I've actually dreamt about the day that she has me on the podcast. I don't think about you on there I don't okay, 

so we're not manifesting that I'll see how it is 

the way I imagine is that you weren't in town and she's a big fan of me and then she was like Okay, I'm gonna have them both on was she a time I'm not in town because I'm waiting at my summer house for her to interview me next week Yeah, yeah 

Yeah RIP proper is the next week's episode You asked for it and it's coming Shefford a motherfuckers Honestly, they already knew they said off-duty not gonna be it but now we got it. 

We have to have another tarot session I don't want to do it. Maybe at the end of the life You know what get some new cards get some new cards No, I just did a tarot reading with me my co-worker at work And she was like when am I gonna be a successful businesswoman the card says she's gonna be homeless lose her money Never get married crazy. No, I think those cards. I don't think you write it right or something They gotta be a Swedish or something because there's no way that some time on the problem. 

Yeah Yeah correct Anyway, let's get a proper low for the week Yeah, let's get the lows out of the week because I I don't know I mine are Pretty insignificant It's no struggling this week to find one actually I think it's because my perspective has been really good, but I have no money and I say this all the time But actually the money is the wind don't no no no no the perspectives change I'm just saying I was struggling to find it and then I was like oh shit I forgot I was broke but like that doesn't matter and stop with that You have to stop with talking like that. Don't even say broke. We need to stop. 

This is the proper rich mentality Yeah, I just don't know how to explain my current situation The current situation is that you're a creative entrepreneur who isn't getting too many hours from his other job And so he's fine. Okay, my bank account is struggling. I'm not but my bank account is definitely at its last straw The camo's back is about to break That's why you need to come in I can't even afford it to get there We finna we finna um transport you. I'm walking. 

We finna have you swim with something girl Something got a gale girl. I'll take the Cuban boat The Cuban style transport. They finna pick you up. Yeah, they got bank efforts and they finna pick you up We do what we must. Anyways girl, get poppa low. Well, so yeah, I have no money at but What the fuck did I even write here ain't no thing though we strive. 

Okay, I was playing the house Shout out to previous Mike. Shout out to that Mike. Now let's congratulate them It was not click and I was like strive, dang what? It just like hit me for a second I don't even understand myself girl Also here it's been going like one week. 

No, no, no two days sunny warm not warm And then the next day snowing. I'm I can't keep up. I'm getting whiplash Crazy the weather here. It's like it was like cold as fuck yesterday rainy nasty today's like weirdly sunny But kind of cloudy but hot hot Hot girl, I was just reminding me of Florida like humid heat it was humid nasty But it's wild because I was so cold yesterday when I was working watching them kids girl Anyways, nannies were harder than the Marines. 

They little known fact We finna put that on a t-shirt girl. Ask chat GPT about that We finna put that on a t-shirt. That's been to be part of their new merch girl Nannies were caught in a marine. It's a fact. Ask any marine, you know ask them They finna agree. 

They finna be like, yeah bring them on the show. I want to question them. You know what? Let's go ahead. 

Don't ask them to tell Not making no sense today Okay, my papa low is I'm kind of burning myself out And that's okay because I am realizing it and I'm trying to take breaks like this morning This girl have one week of work. I'm getting burnt out. Yeah Yeah, it's a lot to balance Mike know it is it is yeah, cuz it's not like you you don't even do the social media for anything like Imagine dealing with all the fucking check the story girl Girl you post one story every two weeks and you're like girl. Did you see check you guys? He if you have a message from no you guys if you were left on scene by us It's because Mike for some reason feels the knee when he's rooted or something to read messages laugh and then close them out Forget to respond type shit. I'm not gonna justify this cuz it's gonna make it worse. 

So I'm gonna let it be and like God Sorry if that type of vibe is come across just know that it's your best be my Nami But when I reply to people I always say Mike like I do a little dash Mike Yeah, yeah, cuz they they probably already presume that it's all mean. Yeah, I mean, you know, I don't touch that social media shit Anyway, so yeah, I'm just getting used to the work and I'm also trying to find another job I think I might do a little too much, but hopefully I'm just letting go letting God try hard and hopefully I don't got to work this hard no more cuz that's really the goal in life on top You know what I guess I do kind of have another low I went to work last week and then my manager was like yeah, all you've been doing is putting mediocrity into the world And that's what you want to get back read me feel and then the tarot cards. I read them the same day the same thing the tarot cards The tarot card something that's exact same thing I was like you know I let me push myself actually heard ever since then I don't know my motivations been boom yeah you're feeling good girl I'm proud of you I'm proud of you girl whoo let the dogs out whoo whoo whoo yeah the way that song is so good my little buddy double on the little you little you little you little you little you little you should have to go in Stefani girl it's too good yo I can't everybody look I wind it up by Gwen Stefani now as long as the day Gwen Stefani winded up go ahead with your high girl I'm gonna let you go high let me get proper high let me take a hit it's only right speaking of hits and next week we're gonna get proper high with you for for 20 before we get proper high this week today is a topic of the week I'm like what is it are you serious Mike needs to like quick fix and like light his lighter so that he doesn't look like I'm smoking with it oh the topic of the week is pickup lines the culture behind it had approached somebody or attracted to on the streets it's a it's just the beginning of a feral summer who's excited exactly it's spring time it's chatty bt no but it is I'm gonna get buck wild this summer it's gonna be snow in this summer if you know you're oh okay snow man it is it's gonna be snowing we're gonna be but wowed I'm gonna have like this the summer I never had in college girl it's been a it's been a beam oh she finally growing down I'm finally gonna get chlamydia who's excited girl I wouldn't be surprised there's always a chlamydia rise everybody get clap I never got club I never got declared hello let's clap today let's go anyways so yeah stay tuned for later life snow session right mm-hmm but yeah that's the we're like starting off a proper horse summer a proper litty summer with today's episode but let's get proper high I've been feeling so good so I got off of birth control about three weeks ago maybe like four maybe like five time flies Kia told me today she was like you visited Tampa like five weeks ago I was like fuck I thought it was like no way yeah way girl beginning of March time goes so fast and then slow at the same time because I haven't even been in Sweden for a year I know it's insane it's insane so I got off with control I've been on it for more than half of my life so I was super nervy I get it get it and I've been feeling so good it's kind of crazy I normally suffer from chronic depression and chronic anxiety and like things I do is there no matter what I'll be talking back to her I'll be like girl shut up I don't talk to her that mean because I gotta be nice to her cuz she's still a version of me at the end of the day but I'm like girl shut up I feel like you've been having less anxiety and depression since you stopped definitely I do not feel any hint of KMS saying the way I did that's weird it's weird that's weird I know I've been feeling positive I mean a little bit weird but it feels like anyways um but yeah I don't know I've been feeling so I have millennials talk positive oh yeah they do they're all talk like grass kids okay they do so let me tell you guys something listen up and then they do the quick cuts any who any who any users um that's amazing balls I've been feeling proper hi all together I've just been feeling positive about it even though this is the lowest time financially yeah no same I haven't been this broken so long it's been bad like as a creative entrepreneur the girls I gotta get it you have really slow months it's been slow months and but I'm still like mad positive I don't know everything feels amazing and I'm feeling really present which brings me to another hive I don't know if I want to keep going now or wait for you let me just throw some out go ahead give me a little song I know I've been talking about my vitamins for two months now but this week I don't know I feel like everybody since Monday has been having like really really good mood I've also been taking my vitamins too though I've been taking magnesium and vitamin D every night me play it takes like six to eight weeks for it to hit and I feel like it's finally hit and it's like today I had like oh so I haven't been the sentence and even finish no literally we don't even let her talk I don't know the way I'm not I was gonna say like I haven't even had my nightmares like I used to suffer from like PTSD nightmares I've been sleeping good even if somebody who shouldn't be in my dream comes up from the PTSD I'm like hey no thank you get out speaking of nightmares I actually been having nightmares recently and I wake up and I'm like oh my god it didn't happen I thought I lost my wallet last night because I was too drunk to walk in my oh that's it that's okay though I mean that's like that's kind of PTSD low key for you though whoa that ain't that ain't a nightmare that's a that's a memory girl it's the PTSD like when I'm too drunk and then I wake up the next morning I'm like oh my fucking god I can't believe that happened you guys one time Mike got so fucked up that he couldn't get into his building and he slept on the stairs in 20 degree weather in Sweden you know the story was I got really drunk I blacked out and then I went to this girl's house I think it was because she told me she had a cat I went there I don't remember leaving and then I woke up on a staircase I was behind a gate I couldn't open the gate so I had to jump the fence I was so drunk and I had to walk home he has no idea how he got into that staircase no yeah it wasn't even your house it was a random location my phone was cracked I had to walk and then I couldn't get home cuz the trains weren't running you would think you would learn something from that day but you just keep doing shit like that like how you almost broke your nose that was fun look like look at this this is a story that I'm telling off that didn't happen we would have no story we would be at the recommendations already I love your mentality you know what shut my ass up girl that's the mentality I want to correct that is admirable exactly I should be an admiral and then military with the Marines and that's why you are a morality hire exactly what a Marines act call me up we need a morality Marine I'm the morality Marine tell the Marines morality Marine to the stage one to the one to one to one one the two to the one to one I love it I love it we're getting off topic I'll talk about vitamins and that's how we got to the marines yeah anyways go ahead I thought it said something dead it's on its way something good it's something big dead ass on its way dead it's on its way no seriously I feel it too I've been getting some many signs like everything's gonna about to pop off like on some real shit like I'm just pacing together like these small individual things and it's something is something's in the works you guys something's going on character from scary movie to the one that's the cop that's like yeah the one that the one the one the one the one the one that figured his asshole Yeah, the back it's a day. It's shout out this game movie one two and three. Anyways girl. 

Let me fucking speak But you go ahead all right Pete proper this is a proper all right Pete bitch something dead is coming part one Go ahead girl, which oh, huh? Anyway, so I've been feeling more present than ever and like do that's really run an errand return something And I was like, you know what I'm gonna make a day out of it. I'm craving Chick-fil-A. I want Chick-fil-A. Oh, so you're homophobic Essentially, yeah In essence, yeah Yeah anyway, no, you know like I'm just a southern girl on to the flow to girl and Fun fact. 

It was my first job And high school when I was 15. Oh at the food court I remember she got me a peach smoothie once milkshake milkshake Have your friends at high places. I used to get my I used to give all my friends a milkshake No go with the flow anyways, I was like I want Chick-fil-A I'm going to trickle down. I was like, you know what I want to get a little bit more suited Before I eat this so let's walk to the park so central park was a few minutes down So I walked there and I'm just like Make a movie, you know Was a son out Girl, yes main character energy I was like I felt great and like over here in New York. Spring is starting So it's like cherry blossoms everywhere like the trees are springing flowers or spring in New York City is Absolutely gorgeous back. Oh, you're too because it's green everywhere, but we still got snow. Yeah Anyhoo Anyway, so I was super present there. 

It just felt so good. I was like are you like eating Chick-fil-A Think about Wendy Williams, okay I was just in the zone. I was like, this is amazing blah blah blah So then I'm walking back and I see this person It's a girl and at first I was like she walked bold like she just caught my eye It was like this lady. She like was walking bold She had a walk to her she had a walk to her and I was like she kind of remind me of me and then I looked a little closer And it was she had Yes, we in a simulation It was me at 30 years Really girl Mike Mike, let me tell the story So before that I forgot I left some parts out But like the whole time I was thinking like I live in a simulation like something about New York City is like the vortex of Feeling like like realizing we live in a similar like so many things were happening I want sounds like this is like this is a real like nothing This isn't real like nothing is real like that shit hit me I was like this guy's over here like making all this noise on my you know like and then this other person It was like I Was other person looking like he about to fly this other person zoom in on his scooter this other person like Yeah, girl everybody in a racquet area in New York like it's just a racquet like we all just love mice just running around Anyways, so I was feeling the whole simulation right I was like nothing matters And then I see this lady she reminded me I look closer. She got brown hair glasses She's wearing a ball cap. She got it like a long coat, which is like my looking like an imagine this She's wearing tennis and then I see her ass It's literally like my ass and I was like and I tried to follow her and then she was gone Mike It was literally like a glitch in the system Like I was like I Literally I was like that's me and I always thought I was like I think I'm gonna grow my hair out when I'm older Like in like 30 years to look younger. What's it? It was like Tahiti's you found your doppelganger They say that everybody has one doppelganger. No, she's not doppelganger because she looked older like she looked like she was 30 years from now But oh 50 60 yeah, no, no, no, sorry 30 years Yeah, it was a simulation. 

I tried to follow her. I like she disappeared. She look good. Yeah, girl I was like she like yeah, I'm gonna have 60s girls and she was like I don't know fly just like the confidence was in her the confidence was in her just I lo me You know, I was like that's crazy, you know, why I'm so finna be living here You've been having a lot of people tell you stuff like keep trying keep going and you were saying like that's my future me telling me And you just saw your future you're doing good and then I saw her still in New York live a high life. Well take that in Now let's congratulate that girl Anyways, that's the end of the podcast Have you ever had a moment of feeling like we're in a simulation like that probably but I think I was high during the time I don't think I've had it sober. I mean girl. I was suited. 

Okay, but then yeah, I was an I have it every week. Yeah, yeah Well, that's okay my favorite thing that I do on the weekends like oh my god. I love my life I love everything. I'm doing I love myself and then Wednesday hits. I'm like, oh my fucking god. 

I hate everything Why on a Wednesday? I don't know one day is always like that day where I'm like, oh, I hate my life I kind of hate that we release on Wednesdays Well, they should tell you I hate this Negative today. Oh like this energy The spirits is getting to you girls shuffled up motherfuckers. No, I'm such a good mood today. 

That is insane. It's insane because I know it's insane Like it hurts me to be still It scares me to be still. No, it scares me to be Okay What do you mean like cherry Pepsi vanilla Pepsi Pepsi You know Britney Spears interview Pepsi Pepsi Literally a robot. 

She'd be looking like a real life raccoon. I she be scaring me I just saw a video of her like with sweat under her titties and she was dancing She was like, um, it was really hot in my car But I saw this pink graffiti and I just had a dance in front of it. I was like girl She'd be looking like them kids when they're like mom look look at my dance move mom look Britney Spears doing her fucking spin is like gross I need to find there's this guy Benny drama that does like Britney Spears videos He deleted them now, but they were so funny. They were so accurate like the Britney stands was coming for him That's probably yeah, I mean was before the documentary and all that Literally I put in all caps the New York is a simulation because when I saw it I was like I have to talk about this with you guys I'm surprised you didn't talk about it during the week I think I did wanted to tell you and then I think it happened yesterday. So it was right after we recorded No Thursday last week. Oh, no, but you mentioned it yesterday on the phone. That was actually this morning We're on one again I like when we have this energy on the pod though, and then I just have one last high the rebrand girl nobody mentioned Oh my god, I wanted to say I did I thought about that That was the instantly the first thing that I thought of but I was like I did not give a fuck bitch I worked my ass off on that like we were our asses off on the rebrand like we was pulling all-nighters Essentially, yeah, the theme song a to proud of you proud of us. Mm-hmm proud of everything Let me finish my mm-hmm. Damn Little bitch you always mm-hmm. Okay. Well, that's my that's my go-to Like okay, we'll get used to it. Mm-hmm. I'm proud of you. 

Pick up you is so nasty today I'm just in my I'm in a silly Well, she's about to get these hands No, but we feel so aligned with this rebrand with the new name Everybody feels really good about everybody's like yes, this is like the grown version one of our fans One of my diehard stands actually No, everybody's just like she's sexy. She's sophisticated and that's exactly what we're going for like Proper is just like the sexy sophisticated who would a little bit of playful side, but she educated She's smart and she'll shut you up the theme song mix with the cover kind of gives me like Tokyo drift vibes Oh my god, yeah Oh, why'd I say it like that? Oh my god? Literally, I think because that is the era that we grew up into I think everything like why 2k is That's a hot era though. It's coming back like it's serving like pink when pink was pink with the beginning of pink So what I'm having more no no no I'm talking about when pink was ghetto like The kids the phone Just because I let you go. Okay, well, you could be pink. I'm big ones to finding what she used to be Latina That's what we said right now when grand was Latina when pink was ghetto when people was different races when everybody was pretty ratchet Like Christina Aguilera was in her ratchet Was like Mexican for the longest. I think she's Latina. No Aguilera. Okay. 

Maybe she's a team Yeah, I think she's a tear she's just an Italian girl from New York. Oh When Gaga was ghetto one motherfucker Just a car No government government a Germany German auto will never be German auto Did you see that Facebook look at me now No, it was when she before she was famous there was a page. It was called like Stephanie German auto will never be famous Look at her now not look at her now She's the most famous. She just wrapped up the thing. 

But yeah, we feel so honored to have you guys as our proper whores Super excited about the name change the trademarking the future Stay tuned. We're about to have some guests. We're probably gonna do like I don't know We're so excited stay tuned. Yeah, who run the world proper who run the world All right ladies, let's get that let's get into our wrecks. Okay, let's get a formation. 

Oh Yeah, yeah, you just caught that I haven't been well last week if you guys were listening if you're new here We always give wrecks every single week and we go through our lies or lies and no Lies and lows when I switched to the first letter of both. I said lies On some But so last week one of my wrecks was swarm this show on Amazon Prime and now Mike finished it, right? I haven't finished it. So you can't say Oh girl, what episode you on girl still to I haven't watched it since I talked about it So maybe by next week we can have a full thing But it's Beyonce related for a beehive though. I'll start a little bit, but it's so good I don't even know how you didn't finish it because I was so I started watching it and I was so captivated from the very get-go I'm not watching TV and it's weird because I treat it as work like watching this stuff So I'm like, okay. I'll just keep going and then I got too fun. 

Yeah Yeah, like today I had four episodes that I watched I was like, you know girl It was too good cuz they're not even long episodes. They're like 35 minutes Oh 35 minutes why they felt like an hour and a half when I watched it. No, they're 35 minutes each longest is 35 minutes Some of them are like 28. I think I was really fucking high then like that's crazy. 

They're super easy to like keep up with to Yeah, I don't know. I think it's like a form of anxiety. It's just weird I have not been able to like watch a new show I've just been repeating shows all I'm watching is reruns of real housewives of New York and Yeah, and summer house After this show like I feel like we should take all stands take them to an island and nuke the island Why you think so cuz they really awesome as a shit The end culture is it just I reminded me like how it's kind of crazy Were you ever on like Twitter for like a long time or like heavily on Twitter in high school? But not since then cuz stands on there are so Insane yeah, they're crazy driven for their idols or whatever. It's called but oh my god like Fashy, I don't even want to say the name. Yeah, like I'm gonna beat that out cuz they finna go They don't want to get like yeah, I'm comfortable for the prop is yeah Like they find their house and they just do like random shit like oh I'd rather not even fuck with it because they're for no reason like what's the point like what are you gaining like these people are never gonna Know I'm kind of scared talking about that That's how bad the show is that's crazy. Okay, so I know but like I've seen it firsthand on Twitter So that's why like when I watch the show I'm like I'm not surprised this would happen Yeah, because she gets insane like When she saw that guy's Twitter that big guy in episode two it was an episode one still yeah Yeah, it was up so yeah, it was insane Mmm girl keep watching it gets worse. 

Oh my god. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. 

We like dive into her whole backstory and everything So it's pretty interesting. Okay, so I saw like a clip on Twitter with Bailey Eilish and I never actually saw her in the show Huh unless I skipped an episode on accident. Well, I should know if I see something. 

Anyway, go here Um, I only have one rec so get into your rec as time goes we go with the flow and once we were obsessed with Aubrey Plaza Now we move on to the new obsession. Mia got yeah, I knew it was I knew he was gonna say Mia got I'm so excited This is a Mia got the stand podcast We swam for her and this is going back with the same dark comedy theme. I watched the movie called X Is it EX or letter X just X like the letter I'm so excited. Oh my god. 

I think I think Shresti told me to watch this It was so fucking funny bitch like it's about this group of six people and they they go to film a porno in Texas and it's like in 1979 Do you know that tick tock sound where it's like? Yeah, that's from the second one. Oh my so there's two there's gonna be three So there's all of them and then X yeah, and then X X X is coming out soon And it's all by 824 and it's so funny bitch like there's so many scenes that I was like oh my god It's everywhere. It's on a Hulu showtime prime But then they also have the second one pearl is already out and I want to watch that one soon But I love me a god Jenna or take us in it, too Yeah, they have so many people like it's insane good. 

Good. I'm just other like blunt bitch kid cutting bitch and I love As dick. I don't know if it's his real dick or what we get to see He's dick She's getting everybody I want oh my god, I used to be the biggest kid cutting fan. 

Okay, definitely watching this tonight I'm not leaving the house. I was gonna go to a little influencer event. Fuck it I'm literally staying in and I'm watching TV and I'm ordering and oh you sound so millennial when you do that You guys Okay, I'm excited. Oh my god, but you need to watch tonight. I would say so was it funny Did you kiki? Yeah girls laughing the whole time and I'm not even high so pearls number two and then what's number three called XXX it just got announced like two three days ago or something That's why I decided to watch this one. 

They say slay the house. I'm so excited. Okay. 

They're watching that. I watched it before but But I stopped watching because I think I was too high and I was like this is taking too long. And I just picked up, oh praise him, praise B, I'm excited girl. Maybe don't get too high but. You don't think? Why? Let me know what you think. 

Well because when I watched it high before I turned it off because I was like this is taking too long. Oh it's when I down? No but I didn't feel that way now. Okay. 

Jamesy! There's a lot of scenes like that in this one. Oh my god I love that bitch. I'm not gonna spoil nothing but there's so many you want to talk about. Go ahead. So my proper wreck this week is a book, what's a series of books but I'm only on the first one called Magnolia Parks. I don't know. We don't know if I've already talked about this book before, if I've talked about it with Mike or with you guys. So if this sounds repetitive I apologize. 

But it's this book series and it's like gossip girl, money, lots of people, drama, sex. Yeah I'm not too far in but my girly that recommended it to me was obsessed with all four books I think it's four. So she highly recommended it. 

I'm already loving it and I'm only like a few chapters in so highly recommend it. How long ago? Girl I don't know I'll be reading on my Kindle so. Oh my god girl that's a big factor for me because if it's like 400 pages I'm not gonna sit down and read it. That's why I like the Kindle because it's like I never know but I trust the person that recommended it to me because she also recommended Anato Miku and everybody knows how obsessed I am with that book. Girl yeah you've been talking about it for like months. 

So yeah highly recommend it seems like a good little series. It's not like too smutty but it seems to have a balance of like smut, drama, richness. She'll be talking about fashion. Just like rich people. 

One of the girls dad is a producer so it's like very like into pop culture. It sounds like gossip girl. Like the new one it sounds like. Literally it's like the new one. 

It's kind of like elite. Oh you know I love elite. Girl yeah. I love the gay parts. Another wreck elite y'all. 

The gay parts are what put me on to one in a threesome with two boy boys. Oh my god girl I just saw a clip where like one of them was touching the other boys bulls and I was like I need to rewatch the first season. They really killed that bitch quick. Yeah they really killed that bitch quick. But the same thing with the newer gossip girl with the fucking three way they got going on one girl two boys. My dream. 

That was on season two though but I haven't seen that one. You watched the season two? No I didn't finish it. Girl the acting with some of them was so bad but I was so into it. But the old boy with the pink hair is so fine too. I know but his acting is the worst but he's so fine. Evan Mollk. He's just so monotone. Yeah he's so fine. I'll slap him. 

I love you. It's you. Girl let me be the actor. I'll do a better job. I love you. It's all about you. Girl I get it. 

Who are you coming for him? Let him be. He got pretty privileged. Have you seen him walk the runway? Yeah it's a little it's a little monotone as well. I walk better than that. And I walk like shit. Yeah I walk better than that. Not four feet tall. Sign me up on the runway. Me and Miss Sounds the Foot Door. 

No she is the moment of the season. The one. I love her. No I love her. I love her. I love you. I love you. No I love you. I love you. 

What's her last name? Casano or some shit. Cassani? Dasani. I want to be her best friend. She's going to be in my belt rotation next week. Quick pause on today's episode. 

We want to thank a few partners. One of them is birthday candles. You can find a scented candle associated to your birthday or gift it to a friend or mother's day. You can get a birthday candle or a date candle for that day using our code mainly my code Alexis F10 it'll be linked in the description And we would have taken another partner third love where you can find all of your lounge wear all of your intimates panties undies Bra's everything they have this seamless unlined bra. 

It's amazing. I love it so much You can use my code Alexis 15 for 15% off also Linked in the description and stay tuned Okay back to that was own so let's get into the topic of the week Who's excited? Mike has a house filled with some I didn't get into it today, but I've been obsessed with the AI yeah Mike to the point where he is in a relationship with one Let's introduce him Come on your Chad Topic of the week is Approaching somebody you're attracted to just like pickup lines culture behind all that you know sharing our stories and sites Whatever whatever comes up comes up So quickly I want to get over the fear of approaching somebody because I have it so bad Mike is a little bit more bold, but I am so pussy when it comes to approaching a guy I just can't so you're gonna help me today like me And I'm gonna try to give us tips But I'm more of just like the confidence queen the confidence booster. Yeah, I mean I can get some tips and some tricks and Before let's do another little pep talk since we like them Remember that if you see them approach them and you have nothing to lose and you're a bad bitch And you better fucking pop off and you better pop that pussy this summer because it's a hot girl proper fair real summer and These men are too pussy out there to approach you So you got a makeup for it and if you want to approach her go ahead and approach her give her dumb eyes Do what you need to do give it a smile. Yeah Do what you need to do to get your proper calm this summer respectfully Consensually Well, I found this interesting like how pickup lines have changed throughout the years like with online dating Because I was talking to Pickup lines went from being so fucking corny and cheesy and they work on everybody You don't have to be specific with your pickup line Like I could tell you like are you from Tennessee cuz you're the only ten assi and everybody's And that was from before you saying yeah, and then nowadays because we have so much information like I can find your social media I have to make a joke about you. Yeah. Yeah. 

Yeah It's always good to roast them you tell my roast in them as an approach, right? Yeah Well, when you work as now Gen Z or is like that's the only way you talk to people But that's tying it back to being young in general because remember like the boy who made fun of you is the boy that liked you type shit Oh, that's true That's the only way I talk to people. I like if I'm not roasting you I hate you like if I respect you if you feel respected by me I don't like you like you need to feel like I'm constantly making fun with friendships Yeah, like I have to be making fun of you like we have to make fun of each other We both have to like yeah roast roasting is a love language. It might be a Florida team I'm trying to think is that how I do my pickup lines in real life like no because you have that one pickup line that I love Okay, you guys Mike was at a bar. I like love this line and I want to do it He literally was at a bar the bartender was fine as fuck and he was like gonna have two beers and your number I was like I love that I think that's great You guys let us know if I'm like overdoing it But I think that's a great line like if I see a guy like get a brush around like can I have some fries and your number? He's gonna be like and it's like so easy because I'm already asking for something that I need in general and then it's like in your number Like that's all you have to say and your number. Three more words. 

I never consider a pickup line because I then I must do that all the time because I just don't realize it. You're such a slay. I only do that when it's snowing out. 

I mean, I have to be fucked up. Well, I don't have to be. I can do it sober too, but for the most part. But I know like once I see somebody that I'm really interested in like because it doesn't happen that often. I'm like, oh, I might as well approach it. I've never approached a guy. But the culture for women is different. I know, but now it's changing. 

Now women, they're like expected honestly to approach guys because guys now since dating culture is so wrapped around technology. They have so many options on dating apps now and men are so like, I don't know. They have so many options. So they're not approaching women in person anymore. 

Like that's not a thing. I don't think it's just that. I think it's also like if a girl thinks that guy is not attractive for her standards, like she's gonna be like, oh, he's harassing me. But if he's hot. No, that's not true because I still know. I believe so. No, because if I'm like, I'll be at a function and this guy's giving me like eyes and shit. I'll give eyes back. Will he approach me? No, he won't. 

Well, I think that's just people being pluses in general. Yeah, maybe that's what it is. I don't know. 

To be honest. So I got off of dating apps, which I told you guys last week. Not because I don't want to date just because I just feel like I can't find any attraction without meeting somebody in person. Like right now in this moment, like I it's hard for me to find an attraction with men online because I'm just like, yuck. You're so fucking annoying. 

Oh my god, I get so just it was like online so much harder because you can keep looking at their face like in person. I can't be staring at a person but online. I'm like, and then you see all the other options as well. Then you try to make up who they are because you're texting them and you have no idea what they're made. It's just like, I can't right now. I have too many things going on. I'm like, so this is forcing me to want to approach them. So I want to ask you, okay, let's say you see a guy on the street, right? Because for me, it's like always when they're like walking a different direction. 

Give me a scenario. Give me a scenario. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

This is a scenario. Okay. So we're walking the street. We're both shopping on the streets of New York City. Me and you? No, me and this guy that I see. He fine. 

We walk in opposite directions. Also, I'm you. So I'm you. It's not you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're me. You tell me what to tell him. 

Okay, so we're walking like opposite directions on the same sidewalk. I see him. He's fine. He don't notice me too much. But I feel like if I turn around and say something to him, he may talk to me. What should I say to him? We're on the streets. We're on the streets. 

It's a it's a it's a beautiful spring day, summer day in New York City. Everybody happy. Everybody look good. 

So it's a hot day and he has like shorts on. He has shorts on. He's like shopping or something. He just bought himself some shoes on Soho. A quick one. A quick one. 

I would just say, Hey, can you take a picture of me? And then he takes a picture of me and then we look at it together because we're like close together. And then he's gonna like tell me something and then I react off of that. What if he did? What if he doesn't say anything? You have to pose? Mike, that's so hard to be like, take a picture. I need a new one. 

Throw the hand on the hip and call it a not the hand on the hip girl. No, like you're thinking too much about it. No, I know, I can't. 

When's the guy that I was dating for like weeks, we're dating for a while. A while for me is weeks. By the way, I'm talking about like three weeks. 

Anyways, he was like, let me take a picture you. And I was like, I can't. It's different for me to be a girl. 

Okay, give me something else. Okay, like a really easy one and a quick one is to just make a comment about their clothes. Right. 

Don't make a comment about their face, like being attractive or something because you don't want them to be like too much. I like your shoes. Where'd you get them? Yeah, oh, where'd you get your shoes? So I can get them for my boyfriend. And that's you. I'm gonna get you this. So I can get them for you on our anniversary a year from now. Hi, I'm Alexis. What's your name? You're free to your girlfriend. Application submitted. 

You really suck at these though. You're not giving me anything good. I don't have any like specific pickup lines. Like this is all based on small specific things. 

So that's what you would say if you saw a guy walk in the street and you want to go to a camp, you'd be like, can you take a picture of me? Or I would say like, I really like something that you're wearing. And I base it off of that like, that's guy to guy. Well, girl, I'm a boy. 

Okay, give me a scenario. Let me see if I can have something better. So you're gonna do it for me. 

Like you're on my shoes. What would I say if I'm in a yoga class and I see somebody that I think is hot two rows down for me. I just thought I was sexy in the city when Savetta was like, you want to fuck in the yoga class. He was like, huh? And she was like, you want to fuck? Yeah, yeah. They love the yoga studio. Yeah, they love the studio. That's actually a good one. 

Yeah, I want to fuck. I'm like, this would be so I don't think I would ever approach anybody after yoga about I went after yoga because we just we probably sweated together. So is this hot yoga class? Yeah, let's say hot yoga. 

I noticed him at the very beginning. It's five minutes in. We're just stretching. We're just stretching. But like class started or everybody's just like mingling and stretching. No, just before. Yeah, mingling and stretching. 

Okay, I am. You're really bad at it. The way I'm getting nervous as it is happening right now. That's how pussy I am. Like I'm so pussy. 

I think the best answer remembers that you won't lose anything. Like what the fuck do you lose? Are you already sitting down? Or did you walk in? Like have you chosen your spot? No, the way I'm imagining myself, I'm stretching my fucking crotch. Oh, okay. So you're sitting down. Okay, because you said he's a fruit a few rows down. So I would try to like in this case he is. 

Honestly, for both scenarios, because I've been manifesting a fruit, but it's like hard to talk to him because he's a few rows down. So we have to talk to him after, right? Oh my god, then I would have to get up. Yeah, you would have to move the mat and be like, hi. Hey, I love your mat. Where'd you get your mat? You excited for today's class? I'm the instructor. Okay, so then you have to wait until after class. So you're all sweaty and hopefully he's sweating. And you'd be like, that was a hard class, right? And then he's going to be like, yeah, I'm hard. Easy peasy. That's how you get your proper lay. 

Okay, so tell me like, what's the scenario that you would approach somebody? Let's make it easier at a bar. What would you say? You yourself? Because you want to you were saying how you want to move forward to like stepping up? No, I do. I want to step up to the fucking plate. Okay, well, let's put that scenario to test. 

I want to be as fearless as I am with everything else in life, like with moving and money, like everything I'm so fearless. But with men, I'm like, I'm telling you, like, just make it a compliment and then move. You can like feel out the vibe. But the number thing that I said, it also works if they're a worker. But that can backfire so easy because they're also at work. And it sucks to get hit on by somebody that you're not feeling. 

Okay, okay, I just got one. So I'm like, I get so nervous with this. But I could be like, like, hopefully he's near napkins, and I can be like, can you pass me some napkins in your number? That's a good one. Okay, or you can write your number on a napkin and like you drop this. 

That's a really good one. That's a good one. That would be like, Hey, I think you dropped this. 

That's really good. I think I might do that. Yeah, I think I might do that one. Oh my God, I can do that. 

We've been saying the same shit like three times. Did you notice? Like same exact sentence like three times. But I could do that when seeing a guy on the street to I need to make a card and be like, Oh my God, I think you dropped this and it's my card. This is. 

There was this girl on TikTok last year that I saw she made a stamp with her number on it for nightclubs and she was just I love she's such a fucking queen. I was thinking about doing that. I was like, that's a fucking slay. 

Or just like, give somebody your phone and be like, um, actually no one. No, girl, somebody, trust these people on these streets, girl. Because I had two friends that met that way. Like, they were at a boiler room and they saw each other from across the DJ and one went up to them. It said on her phone, like, on the note tab, give me your name and let's go to the after party together. What a dream at boiler room. Yeah. 

I could come right now thinking about that scenario. How cute is that? Such a little, meek, you'll, let's do another scenario. Give me one where I'm in the scenario. Let's flip the script. 

And then I'll tell you, like, how I would react. Okay, you're at a coffee shop and you're about to order your coffee to sit down and work and he's already sitting down and working. Oh God, this is such an anxiety inducing scenario. 

Isn't it? Yeah, because like, I just got my coffee and this doesn't work. If I hit on him and he doesn't hit on me back then I have to leave and it's so awkward because I have my coffee. Is my coffee to go? It's a big cafe and you have the option of sitting on the other side if he did tonight. Yeah, I have a good one for this scenario. Do you help me out? Phone a friend. 

I would just be like, this is actually like my favorite table. Can I sit here with you? Oh, that's so good. How do you say this is my favorite cafe? Are you enjoying it? No, no. Because it's like all these tables and like this is my favorite table in this cafe. Do you mind if we like share it? That's a really good one. That's a good one. 

Can we also share like a banana bread and then share a night together? You can just. He doesn't speak our language. He speaks sign language. 

Okay. For those of you that aren't watching, not that we're all on YouTube or anything. We're doing like a peace sign and a middle finger sign. Anyway, what would you say though? Do you have one for that scenario? What if he's like, no. Okay, then you walk away. But if he's like, yeah, then what do you say? I don't fucking know, bitch. You didn't know what you would say? And they'd be like, oh, do you live here? No. No, let me give you another scenario then because I already had something for them. 

Coffee shops are so anxiety. You think so? I felt like coffee shops are good. Because it's quiet. 

No, it's like people are all working and it's not like you have to be like, hey. You know, you be like, hey. I do it the most like when I'm out of, like, you know, loud places. When you're intoxicated. Yeah, you're intoxicated. Well, that's true. Of course I go. Okay, let's say, okay, I'll give you a scenario. 

It's loud. You're at a club and he's there too. Not like a bar, but like it's loud. 

What do you say? What do you whisper in his ear? I would be like, will you look really good if I want to be low key about it? I like that. You look really good. That's usually what I say. This one girl was like, you're really handsome. So this guy was like, I like that. You're really handsome. 

I just go straight for it with it. Or like if I want to be like low key, I usually just start dancing around them. And then they notice me and then we make eye contact and then it goes from there. 

But that's that gayshit. That's that rave culture and like. No, that's how I hook up with straight guys. I'm not joking. 

But they don't be seeing me. So that's like, I'm just too short for them to be seeing me. So I can't just go up to them and start dancing. And they're going to be like, whoa. 

Okay, let's start jumping. Hey, hey, squeeze me, hey. They know what they want to you. Like I think so. Just make your presence now. 

I've definitely tried to shake my ass in front of somebody that I thought was attractive and they did not look at me. Like they didn't notice you or they didn't look at you because they weren't interested. Maybe they didn't notice me. I don't know. 

But that kind of sucks that I'm not noticeable. I'm just the little. Girl, you are not that short. It feels like it when I'm with like girls over like five, six. To be honest, I can't remember. 

I'm five feet tall girl. And I'm five, eight. Sorry, I'm six foot. Right. A hinge six foot. A hinge six foot boy. 

I was thinking about this the other day. I wanted to know if we should make it an episode, a different episode, but you know, the whole concept of like Miami 10, New York 10, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'm definitely like a Tampa 12. I think I'm a Miami like eight, but New York. Miami four. I'm like, what number am I in New York? Like if I have my fucking New York six. Oh yeah. When I went to New York, I was like, there's too many fine people around. 

Yeah. I saw these two guys today and I was hoping they were straight. They started holding hands. I was like, damn, y'all are too fine to be with each other. They're New York friends. But I think the concept is so funny. 

You guys write in, I'm going to do a little poll to see what we are to New York into Miami and to LA. What am I in Stockholm? Oh, the threes are beautiful. They're just so boring. I hate that you don't find me to be beautiful. Girl, we're both gorgeous. Mike loves blond. He likes his girls blonde and skinny. Well, I like blonde hair. I think it's like the most attractive, but. That's wild eyes. 

To be honest, like my favorite looking person is somebody that's like really tan, light blue or like green eyes with like brown hair. Like Zac Efron from his good old days. From his good days, not his new chin. That new chin is crazy to me that he got. 

Girl, that's not a person. Let's talk about it. Let's unpack that. His chin looks like, what's that character from? You know, a cartoon. It's good work. 

No, the cartoon with the guy with a big chin. Johnny Bravo. Yup. 

He looked crazy. He looked crazy. What did he say? He said he got an allergic reaction and like, that's what happened to sound like that. 

I didn't really read too much into it because I don't give a fuck. Yeah, I don't either. He's weird to me. 

Speaking of random topics, girl, you know what I've been getting on TikTok a lot? Flavored water TikToks. I've been like on water TikTok. Flavored water. 

I'm on Diet Coke TikTok for no reason. Yeah? Yeah, like people love Diet Coke breaks. They'll take Diet Coke breaks. Everybody's getting a Diet Coke from McDonald's. 

It's weird. It's weird that there's communities for like the weirdest shit. Like these people have cabinets filled with crystal light. Ew, like crystal light yuck. And they're like, okay, today I'm gonna do like a vanilla syrup, Starbucks powder. Oh, like a new flavor? That's crazy. Like they make their own flavors. They're like giving themselves cancer. Yeah, bitches filled with aspartame. Like what a fuck. 

It's literally so bad for just drink water. That's all the comments are saying like, what's wrong with regular water? I love water. Like there's people out there like, I hate water. I love water. I crave water every single day. Like as a human being. People who don't like water are not human. Like what? You need it. I just have juice in my fridge, but all I drink is water and coffee. 

So let's get back into the topic of the week and let's see how to approach online. If we were to get back online, like what's- Oh my God, I don't. What's something that I don't, I know. 

My pickup line's online or hey, what's up? I don't respond to anybody that says, hey, what's up. I have to say something that involves their profile. And if they're boring, then I just don't message them. And if they message me, hey, what's up, then I don't message them back. No, it's too much pressure for me. Like I just, you know I'm low maintenance as a person in general. So I'm just like, hey, what's up? Like I can't do the whole reading because if I go into their reading everything, then I get icked out already because I'm gonna find something I don't like or that's something too much. Yeah, that's why I'm not on them. 

So sorry guys, we don't have any pickup lines. Basically, try to find something that relates to their profile. If not, you could be like, love your glasses or you can be like- Love that song. If somebody has a song that I think is cringy on their dating profile, then I won't like them. If they have a song on their dating profile, in general, it's weird. I have a song. 

Let me actually show you my profile. You need to put a sexy picture on there. There's not enough of a mix of sexy and wholesome. But I'm not a like sexy person. Yeah, you are. When you be dancing. 

I hate that you said you're not a sexy person. I just give off cute vibes a lot. I feel like you give off like sexy raunchy. Keeping a joke me out if you want it. 

Do I really? Yeah, like ashron. Like the same vibe that ashron gives. I feel like you can give. I thought the vibe I give was completely different. Oh, what's a vibe I give? Do I give sexy or do I give cute? You give kind. Okay say I think that's what makes it hard for men to approach you. 

What type of cunt? Oh, I give bitch? Yeah. Damn. Damn, so I don't give sexy, I just give like bitch. I mean, no, you give more cute because you're shorter. I give little girl. You don't give little girl, that's for sure. Okay, good. So I give girl woman. Actually, you're a mix of the two, I'd say. 

I hate that I serve bitch. Fuck. How do I change that? But you know that, you know you give resting bitch face. I know, but I'm trying to smile. I also haven't seen you in person in... Oh my God, like three years. 

Exactly, so I couldn't tell you. I think I give cute too much. I don't know how to change it. No, I don't think you give cute. Bitch, I walk around work... Look at Fruity. No, I feel like you give masculine in bed, like you got a big mouth, like you could slobber my knob a lot. Sexy. 

Okay, well I'm gonna take that in. Maybe that's just me always sexualizing everything though, because that's what I do. I think it's a gay thing. I think you've been hanging out with me too long. No, I've always been this way. And I have girlfriends that are this way. Like most of my girlfriends, we only talk about sex. Maybe it's an American thing actually. 

I don't know because there's some girls that don't really talk about it. I have friends that don't talk about sex at all, and I think they're kind of weird. But those are like the mainstream bitches. 

Yeah, they're weird. They look like they don't... They never fuck. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. 

They seem boring. But you never know because the silent ones do be the freaks. But I feel like if my girlfriends aren't comfortable with it, I am the one to bring them out of it. Yeah, I like talking about it. Yeah, I like talking about it. Like girl, tell me what happened. I like talking about taboo shit. Me too. Like tell me what happened. 

Okay, so is there like any way that you wouldn't want to be approached? To be honest, I think if the person's fine. If the person's hot, doesn't matter. Okay, if they come in with an insult. They can tell me to like trip and die and if they're hot, I'm gonna be like, thank you. Are you kidding? If they tell me like, oh, your breath's so stinky. Like shut your fucking mouth. Oh my God. That's a whole different scenario. But no, okay. 

So like a medium guy, like he could be cute, but like it does depend on what he says. I've had this happen where like somebody tried to insult me in the way that I do to people, but people know that I'm telling a joke, but these people take it too far, too far, too far. Oh, so it's just like the chemistry just got weird. Yeah, it gets weird because they keep insulting you and then it's like, are you joking or is this serious? And it's like the insults are getting more intense. That's weird. That's happened to me a few times. 

It's because that's the way I talk to people like insults and then I guess some people just don't understand. Yeah, some people take it too far. I feel like anytime it's regarding my body, that would just like piss me off in like the wrong way. Like saying that your body looks good. I've had guys that would have been cuter if they approached me right and they like make a comment about my body. Give me an example. 

You're in a group, right? And we're just chilling like we're just like dancing blah, blah, blah. And he was like, oh, do you know how to twerk? And I was like, boy. No. 

I literally looked at him crazy. I was like, get out of my face. Like stop. Or like somebody that's medium ugly and like they already assumed that I like them. Yeah, that's weird. 

Like don't be arrogant. I'm like, oh, yeah, you have to be like subtle. Like don't be arrogant. Don't be cocky with it. But like be cocky with it. But like don't it's like weird. It's like be confident, but don't be cocky. 

Yeah, there is a line. There is. And it's a fine line. Right. 

But there's so many people that can't read a room. Like can't read a face. I can't read. 

But I've never been approached by a cute guy. Like I want to know the girls that are getting approached by hot men. What happened? What were they wearing? Is it only like cute blonde girls that have these guys like at their feet? Does a hot person find another hot person medium ugly? That's another thing is like a lot of people find me hot. 

Like 10. One of my friends was like, you're in New York. 10. 

I was like, girl, you can shut the fuck up. You're comparing me to Bella. Like that's insane. 

And she's like, no, dead ass. And I was like, you can go to hell. Like now you're making fun of me. But then some people find me to be ugly. And that's when I feel like my type doesn't match what likes me. Like I feel like my type doesn't like me. I feel that way sometimes too. About me. 

Have you ever been approached by somebody really cute that you're like, oh fuck yeah. I mean, I guess I see, I guess with the hot guys, like I approached them first, but I would say my personality is better than my looks. I think the same thing about me, but I can let my personality shine. I can really make somebody like me based on my interaction with them. I would say I'm the approacher. Yeah, maybe I do need to be the approacher because my energy is so loud. I just need to let it shine with men. 

Also shows confidence. Yeah, but then I'm too confident around men and that's when I serve bitch. I think the more you do it, the more you'll be just. 

I just need to be confident enough to be like, hey, you're cute. Do you think I'm cute? Do a wink. Oh, my lazy eye will come out. 

Do you think that's a good pickup line? Like, hey, you're cute. Can I have your number? Yeah, super straightforward. Like there's no need to interpret it. 

What about would you want to take my number? That's better, right? Because I want them to feel like they want to text me. I don't think like it's a better to take somebody's number to give you. I'm cute. 

Would you want to take my number? I guess it's less pressure if you give your number. If you give your number, right? Then for you to take it. Yeah. I believe so. 

Well, slay the house, you guys. If you see him. Good night. Good night. 

If you see him, her, she, it's on the streets, in the cafe, in the clerk, in the bookstore, whatever you are at the movies. Remember what I told you last week? You look in the mirror, you slap that ass and you say, you go girl. Take a shot with love at Tila's. Exactly. 

Take a shot at love. This is I love New York. This is on Flavor of Love. Flavor, Flavor. 

I miss him. I miss him. May he rest. 

Actually, I have a friend whose aunt is friends with Flavor Flavor. That's really fun. It's Miss Am. Oh, Miss Am's aunt. Miss Guided. Miss Guided, Miss Am. That's my girlfriend. The quad said it. 

Anyways, approach him. Approach her. Approach them. And they're not interested. That's fine. 

Don't take it personal. You'll never see them again. Approach them without expectations. 

That's the best part. Just a human being a human, higher kill. Yeah. Living the present, like, what could you lose? What do you lose? Except for your dignity. Yeah, but we lose our dignity every time we record. Girl, I lose my dignity once a week, which all. Ain't that the fucking fact, bitch? And then I got to lose it again when I edited. Literally. 

But we love you guys as always. We love you so much. Thank you for listening until the end of today's episode. You can follow us at the proper podcast along with TikTok at proper podcast. You can also find me at thank you, Lex, letter U, L, E, X, X, and Mike at Mike Kandoff. And dead ass right in. 

Everybody wants some messages like on our personal messages. DMS. You can critique the podcast. You can like spill a secret that you don't want to tell nobody if you don't got a therapist. Do anything. Just tell stories. Like send us something like confidential, something proper sexy. Just yeah, a proper. 

Prop a secret. Prop. Yeah. You're gonna have a malfunctioning. 

Make it. Proper secrets of the week. I think I'm gonna do a box every, but that's always going to be available. Maybe once a week I'll put a little box in our stories. It's going to be the proper secret of the week. Proper confessionals. Proper confessional. 

I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I like that. I do it every Sunday. Proper confessionals every Sunday. 

I love that. And we love you. We love you so much. 

Approach him. Approach her. You're a baddie. 

Let go and let go. Free me. We always be Dragoness Outro on you guys. 

We love you. Bye bye. Say hello. Bye you guys. What the fuck? 


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