Episode 9: RIP OFF DUTY

 Hey guys, welcome back to the should I do a beep or should I do a blank girl?

You could say whatever you want is gonna get beep no matter it's gonna give you no matter 

Yeah, okay. Well, that's (beep) podcast. I'm your host Alexis 

And your co host Mike I got thought you're gonna start all over We should take me for a loop. Hey y'all my professional now 

She knows the transitions that editing right I really do she's the creative director to the producer girl 

We passed the two month anniversary. We should be at that level already 

and we are you would think although this is our third attempt at this 

Don't know but I got another that could be a true a true story fantasy everybody should know 

Everything got trials and tribulations. That's how you say that 

You know, you might be the first person I've ever heard say it out loud, right? The trials and tribulations of making a podcast my next book 

which is what we get into today But you have to you have to keep on listening and you have to stay 

this is a law and order episode you guys 

We're getting sued 

Or somebody died Which law and order? 

Did we break up? Let's see. 

Did we break into a house?

 Did we hit a lick? Stay June 


yes we have Oh On the pole vote on the pole have they hit licks

 Anyways silence

We keep that one to ourselves actually 

Let's you get low cuz I just took a nap so I need a little bit of a break for I look he 

took a nap as well But my low is How difficult it is being an adult? Like a doctor's appointment.

That's a weekly low 

bit insurance companies like especially like health insurance It's just so stupid and I haven't had health insurance in like seven years Because a it's a scam and then be I was like I'll just pay for my annual out of pocket like whatever

 Girl wait, huh? How much is it?

 Is an annual checkup? So the annual is like for the GYN and your breast or whatever So it's like the Pat breast exam all that for females got paid probably like 150 to 200 for the full visit 

That's not that bad 

exactly when you think about that and like paying fucking insurance From your paycheck because even when I was working corporate I was like I don't feel like I'm making enough to pay $200 for health insurance. 

They didn't give you insurance at corporate

So they don't just give it to you have to it comes out of your paycheck regardless people don't get that. Oh, I mean, yeah 

Yeah, that's like mine because we get 30% of our income taken out for tax. 

That's exactly so it's like I already I was already paying Taxes, I didn't want to pay like so when I was working at Facebook even indeed vision and dental are like cheap So I would get that but health was like an extra hundred a week meaning 400 a month and I was like Mama's No,

 I would go monthly to the doctor, 

right? So I was like I'm not going monthly like I'm healthy enough and I don't go to the doctor for like getting sick like I don't take Antibiotics I don't take anything that the doctor really recommends anyway because no, I don't 

oh She doesn't trust the doctor. This is an exclusive More like a public an alert 

No, I'm more hippie alert like it's like they really just want to take the money I mean, um, Western medicine is what I don't like you like our biology Acupuncture, but anyway, so since being in Tampa I have tried to go to like all these doctor's appointments and it's just overwhelming going to like three four doctors appointments in one week You have especially when there's an Adderall crisis, 

so That's the thing on your mind 

I'm sick bitch like this coffee is not going away. That's probably why you're so tired. It's the only thing It's just the cough but my throat is fucked bitch It feels like somebody took sandpaper and was like going ham like trying to even out my shit But let's go ahead So yeah, it was too many appointments. It is a privilege to go to the doctor and I know that But it's just a bit but I got my teeth cleaned so that was nice I love a good dance the best feeling it feels so good like and I feel like my teeth look white I don't know. Yeah, they do look they look smart glossy. They put

it's like a manicure for your teeth I swear to God. 

Yeah, so yeah, that was my love. How about you? 

Oh? so I still don't have my Swedish ID and Because tax season is around the corner everybody's getting their fucking taxes back except you yeah Because for me to get my taxes back. I need a bank ID which I need a bank account for 

This has been ongoing since you've gotten your master's which was what years ago. 

Well since I got here Yeah, 2019 for the first time and then plus the second time of getting there. 

That's insane 

Yes, so three years in total. I still don't have an ID It's been a month and a half since I took my photo. 

You're an alien another deported bitch She's an illegal alien you guys you guys this is 

No, actually no, they need to get my shit done ASAP, but they're not sending me any emails They're not replying to me. 

They said we don't want you here. Go back to America. They don't want anybody here bitch I they said go to New York City.

That's what they say all the signs are they have the cards are saying it the cards the people the energies 

You guys notice the mental techniques I used I ignored the issue and the issue stopped and you see and that's how you get over your problem a little a little boost 

You're in denial You know what the seven steps 

seven deadly sins One of them is denial you guys 

Whatever Rex is the Bible You guys we're transforming into a holy podcast 

auto-bots roll out But um, do you have any other lows? 

You know, I wrote one down and then I went with a completely different one. So I'm just like now fuck it That's my only one. I'm gonna say ignore the problem as we 

exactly ignore the problem I'll full circle ignore the problem. 

That's what I'm doing it. Am I broke? No Do I have a job? Yeah Do I have study income? I absolutely do times three, you know what we love that we love the delusion This is the lucky girl podcast lucky girl syndrome lucky girl brand jeans. So lucky. 

Oh, I forgot you have that tattoo Yeah, but there's gonna be future research about like manifesting and how it actually is negative for you. Wait, what? It's literally scientifically proven and the people shouldn't deny about it. They're like girl, what and I'm just like we just scientifically proven it is they all came out with that dick-ass article about it. What was it? Nass the CIA. 

Yeah, the sire The WHO the WHO what? You ever see these five kids too? Of course I have of course I was obsessed with old girl. That's my movie. What's her name? Her bro name is Alexa That's why I was like we have the same name girl. Like my name is not Alexa People in elementary used to think I was a little boy from spy kids. I was like, yeah, yeah, I filmed that that was me Oh, cuz your hair His hair was red mine was like dirty blonde, but you still have long hair. Yeah girl. I'm a little locks So let's get high really quick. Oh, okay. 

So the Sun's been coming out here. So I'm getting a little bit of a spring vibes Well At least when you're inside you get spring vibes once you go outside you feel the wind The cold the snow But I did go on a little homeless role play adventure with my friend And it was like a first Sunday where none of us were fucked up Nobody was hungover. Nobody was coming down. 

I was like this is kind of like We made a fire In the cold and the negative 12 degree cold and y'all had a little barbecue They look like straight bombs cuz you know how bumps have like the Drum cans that they've been lighting on fire And we all are like with baggy clothes like looking bomb shit literally looking homeless My whole apartment stunk from the fire the whole next day. Oh because of your clothes. Mm-hmm. 

I Mean the studio ain't that big. It's not a man shit. Yeah, it's doing that big I'm stewin in this fucking This pinch so that's your high that you want some cosplay And like the weather's changing like yeah, like we're getting a lot more Sun which is yeah It's quite exciting even though you don't feel it here like the Sun could be on you, but you're still freezing It's still it's mindset. No it is My side you know what spring is coming. I know all the trees are dead. I'm like The cherry blossoms are already out. I'm seeing in people's pose. 

So I'm like Yeah, I can't wait even though it's cold. I can't wait for ours. There was a little mini blizzard yesterday I was like in New York and I go back tomorrow. So it's gonna be break as hell Bitches March. 

What's going on? Why is it still snowing everywhere? That's what I'm saying. It makes absolutely no sense But my high has been hanging out with my mom. That's been cute So awesome But I'm very excited to go back to New York Yes, live your life. I'm excited to have my routine back and to be able to like say yes to things Because like I've been saying no to a few events and then also hopefully getting employed Part-time somewhere Um, and yeah, I don't know. 

It's like weird. It's like you come back home and then I feel like I've just been stagnant I feel like I'm still like just stopped in time like you're waiting at the airport. I hate that feeling I I feel like I've been waiting at the airport for two weeks. Yeah Mmm, it's like nothing's getting done. 

It's weird and like every day feels different because like one day I was like like when I booked the flight. I was like, I'm sorry fucking me I'm fucking hated here. And then the next day I hung out with Key and then I hung out with Mel and Shan and I was like, oh my God, it's so much fun here. Like I love coming here. And then the next day. 

It's like an abusive relationship girl. Everything's abusive. It literally is. 

I was like, why can't I just be happy? I don't understand why I am so up and down, but I don't know, I've realized a few things. I still have some journaling to do of seeing what I realized about Tampa and New York, but I feel super secure with saying that. I feel like I belong in New York rather than anywhere else right now in the US. 

But that's good. Yeah. You know where you're supposed to be. Slay. 

So I'm excited to go back, but some of you guys are listening. I will be back in the Big Apple. In New York. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. 

This is the new kid. You can't do. No. No. No. No. No. No. She's such a lesbian girl. 

Who me? No. Alicia. Alicia is. No. 

She got a whole husband and child. She don't wear makeup no more. Speaking of not wearing makeup, did you see Lady Gaga went bare to the, well, not to the Oscars, but when she performed at the Oscars, she was bare faced. I didn't know she performed. Yeah, she performed at the Oscars. What did she sing? Girl. 

Speaking of the Oscars, that's like one of my favorite times cause you see all the movies, you see what's hot with the critics. Right. What's the hottest movie to watch? What's everybody saying? What's everybody doing? I'm like, ooh, okay. So it gives me all these like new movies to watch. It keeps me up to date. You girls keep me up. I do miss watching like the Oscars like. Yeah, live tweeting. 

I know I used to watch it with my family when I was younger. My family only watched like Spanish shit, like the Spanish BMAs. Ew, it's all fucking reggaeton. Yeah. No. 

I knew it was cool. But so I started watching like all the movies. So I started with everything, everywhere, all at once, believe. 

So this movie's like about an Asian immigrant mom that like has to fight these like interdimensional creatures. It sounds like some stranger things. A little bit. 

It's like a science fiction thing, but it's supposed to be the story about like the mom and the daughter in their relationship. It's A24. Yeah. 

The movie was really good. I watched it actually a while back, I think when it came out, but I want to bring it up because the Oscars are here and like this shit did so good. You can watch it on Hulu. Is it? It's funny. 

So everybody go on Hulu and watch it. Like if the critics are saying it's good, it's good. And I'm saying it's good and I'm a critic. And Mike is the critic of all critics. Mike is the critic of this generation. One, one, two, three, four. 

Now she needs to turn the floor. Put your pussy on the ground. That's good. 

What else did I get from the Oscars? Oh, fucking Rihanna saying lift me up as if we gave a fuck girl. Girl have the second baby and release the album. Like come on, Navi. 

She's using these babies for pauses. Honestly, it's just baby break. I just like, I love Rihanna so much. She's just, she's starting to blabber me. Now? After all this time? My God, like why am I still listening? Wait no, there's no time for anything in the night. Why am I still listening to that? Like I said they came out yesterday. She started, she pissed me off a lot when she released that soundtrack song and it was fucking garbage. Lift me up. 

That's why I was saying. Yeah. She looked cute while doing it though, but she sang it like how she'd be singing all her other shit and it's like girl, this is a Disney song, ain't it? I don't think so, but. So I didn't really watch it though. My mom had it in the background. 

I don't be watching the Oscars, but it's all over the fucking feed and then I'll be having FOMO, but then I don't have the patience. I would watch it all. I like watching all the celebrities like win shit. I like watching it when I like can have somebody to like talk about it with. Oh yeah, like shit talk it, of course. Yeah, of course. That's like when I used to watch American Idol, I'll we do a shit talk. Right. 

What was another show that we used to watch and we used to shit talk? I'm just remembering that one dating show, the blind dating. I still don't know what dating show that was. Girl, we went through a whole season together. We sat and watched so much of it because you showed it to me. We were high as hell. We were high already? Yeah. So that was like within the last six years. You got a lot of files to look through to find that memory there. Good luck. 

Honestly, it's more like last seven years. But anyways, so do you have any other recs? Have I given a rec? I don't think I have. No, you haven't bitch. Let's get on with your work. 

I actually don't have many recs because again, since I'm at my mom's, I'm like not smoking as much. I've noticed that when I can't smoke inside, I'm not smoking as much. It's not even cold bitch. 

No, it's not that. It's just like I'm used to like sitting on the couch and smoking, but then. Oh. 

If I want to be high for the whatever I want to watch after like go outside, smoke enough to make sure that I'm suited for a good two hours. And then I take breaks and then I don't watch the whole thing. So yeah, I'm just not smoking. Oh my God, no. 

I literally coughed what I would normally cough and I haven't even gone through it. Like normally I get through it in like a week. So that's how you know. So I'm not watching TV and I'm not smoking. I guess I'm not being a lazy bitch. Although it feels like it in my head. So that's perspective. I need to fix all that. 

What's the feeling? Like when you feel like you're at the airport waiting, you just don't want to do anything. No, literally I'm just like, where do I go? So, but I did watch the Alex Murdoch doc on Netflix. Oh my goodness. 

And I think he just got convicted today officially, like guilty. Now who is Andy Murdoch? We need to know. His name is Alex, but legally, I don't think his name is even Alex. And he went by Alec anyway, because he wanted to be bougie. He wanted to serve dynasty. Mm-hmm. 

And so he's this Hick from North Carolina, I think. And he had his Hick sons. And he had what? Two sons and a wife. And he's a lawyer. In a part of a five-year span, six people were dead around the property, around them. Mind you, they live in like a hick town where they own like hundreds of acres and it's like... 

But when did this happen? Within like 2016 to 2019. What? Like the name sounds so familiar but this does not ring a bell at all. So he ended up killing his wife and son. 

Mm-hmm. Right. So there was like a few situations where people died. Like one, there was a boat accident where one of the son's friends, girlfriend's, died on a boat accident. And it was very like nonchalant, swept under the rug. It was an accident, right? And then another one where the gay boy of the town, the only gay boy, was dead and there was... Mm-hmm. 

And it was a book. They said it was a hit and run. Mind you, there was no like signs of him getting hit by a car rather than being hit by people. And there were secrets that he was fucking the oldest son of Murdoff. 

So... This is a movie. And then the maid died. So this is when they really come to terms with everything. So I'm gonna explain it. That's a scary image. 

Right. So the maid was pronounced as she fell down the stairs, right? Because the dogs come to find out he put like a $2.4 million insurance on her 30 days before the accident. On the maid? Yes. He said, I'm gonna sue myself so that I can give her sons the insurance claim money. He did that, kept all the money. 

I'm so... You can sue yourself? Yeah, essentially. For something like that. Yeah, because it's like, it's a workers' comp claim. So yeah. And how does nobody catch on to... Oh, he's a lawyer so he knows all the fucking loopholes. 

Damn, what the fuck? I need to watch this. What is this on? This is on Netflix. Let me write this shit down. Hold on. Alec Murdoff. Alec Murdoff. Murdoff. Oh. Murdoff. 

Murder of. Right. This is a movie. 

Like even his name is about murder. Like murdering. No, literally. So yeah, he... 

It was just like one thing after the other. Because he had like ties with the police officers and shit. So he was getting away with everything and then obviously went too far. So yeah, he in jail. He also had an opioid addiction. 

Girl, it's all over the place. What the fuck? Like this is all plot twists and turns of a movie. Like this is not real life. It's literally like dynasty. Literally. It's like insane. It's like a novel. I'm surprised I've never even like heard of this. 

But the name is just so familiar. Maybe it sounds like an actor's name. No, I think it was like when everything was coming out, you probably retained his name that way. But yeah. I like the name. 

Yeah, like Murdov. M-U-R-D-A-U-G-H. Yeah. Found guilty of murder. 

Send his ass away. He's gonna get his ass beat up in jail. Fucking broomstick coming his way. Did you watch 13 Reasons Why? Of course I did, girl. Girl season 2. 

That broomstick or hockey stick traumatizing. But yeah, that's really my only rep. Because again, I'm still watching. Fucking Girl Housewives of New Jersey to you. But there's so much going on that. Isn't that one of the longest ones? Yeah. That's gonna take a few episodes to explain. And then Summer House is out too with one of our favorite girlies, Peach, Distorbo. She's on there? They don't change the cast every season? Not unless they want to. Hannah chose to leave. 

I don't know the concept of the show at all. It's like real world? Yeah, they have their own homes, their own lives, all of that. And then in the summer, they share a Summer House, which is kind of a norm for New Yorkers to do in general. 

Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, I didn't know that either. But for this case, they record it. So every weekend, they're recording. 

But it's very real. They were real people. A lot of them had real jobs. And then obviously, being on the show, they had a lot of fame. They used to leave the house. Yeah, so they throw parties every weekend, like Hampton's party. The Hampton lifestyle is very prestigious. 

Oh my god, White Chicks? No, it's literally like White Chicks. And they throw parties, or they go to parties. And it's like seven. The All White Party. They've added diversity, especially in the recent season. 

I actually went to a Hampton's party? No, an influencer event. And I was like, oh my god, I'm a f***ing... Remember, I was like, I'm a reality star. 

I'm getting invited to the same shit. But yeah, so it's like seven people per weekend, normally. And some people are like, oh, I can't go this weekend. 

And they'll bring like previous castmates on. It's very nonchalant on who the castmates are. But you know them for the most part. Because you probably follow them separately. But yeah, it's really cool. I like that it doesn't seem scripted at all. And they all f*** each other. And then it's like all over the place. 

Okay, maybe I'm going to give this one a watch. If you do, start it from Hannah and Paige's season, which is, I think season three. Okay. 

What's it on? I watch it on Peacock. It's a Bravo show. I think I might have to look it up because we don't have that. Yeah. And then I have another wreck from the house of the Oscar. So this one I watched today. This one was a little bit of a weird one. 

The name of the movie is called Banshees of Innoche... Who? Innoche. Oh my god. Banshees. I believe that's how you say it. 

But it's about this village that's in a remote island in Ireland. The whole story is based around like these two guys are best friends and then one of them doesn't want to be his friend anymore and they're old. Like they're not young. Yeah, they are old. 

It was good. It was really good to watch. But I definitely had to do an explained video after the fact. 

You know what's crazy? This movie's budget was 20 million. That's crazy to think about because I've seen movies with like a $400,000 budget. They don't even move the set. It's just that one village. I mean they have a lot of like old stuff because it takes place in 1925 and it really does feel like you're all in there. 

I always think about like the process of coordinating it and like who gets paid what. Like putting... movie together. I think about that too when I watch like behind the scenes and I think where all this money goes most of it's like for the cast. Right and for like the food on set and shit like that but like all the background people that aren't cast too that are very important like lighting and sound and camera. Yeah editors people that make the trailer. The coordination of getting all that together before you even start the on set process. 

You should watch this show on Netflix. I forgot the name but it's about like behind the scenes of top movies like Jurassic Park Terminator. Girl the fucking ups and downs of like movies. About to do this extra work so I could see what it's like. Actually yeah. Like being an extra on sex on the city can you imagine like Sarah? Sarah Jessica Polakka! Get this bitch off the set. Security. 

Literally like... but I don't think I would watch that movie honestly. That movie seems a little boring. I'm surprised you watched it. Doesn't seem like our vibe. 

I like cinematography a lot like I can appreciate that and the movie was really well filmed. I produce it when I watch it in an artist. Well because I know I don't understand like most deep movies until I watch and explain shit. I like this movie The Lighthouse that was really well received but I didn't understand shit. There was like a part where he's fucking a mermaid like it didn't explain none to me. 

If anything deserved an Oscar it was Meg and girl. Get Meg the Oscar for best actress. They really tried my girl Meg girl. They really tried her. Where's Aubrey's fucking Oscar bitch? Right where's um what's her name from Infinity Pool? Mia God. Mia Guy. What about her? You need to watch her other movies. Watch Nymphomaniac. Nipple or Nympho? Nymphomaniac. 

Shia LaBeouf's. Oh yeah. They have Shia LaBeouf's hard dick in there. Oh my god I've been meaning to watch it just so I can watch Shia LaBeouf's. Wee Wee. 

Girl watch it. Watch it. It's good. It's so much sex. It's really interesting to watch actually. 

Oh my god did you see Hunter's love? Oh she's slayed with that little feather top. She's slayed with her titties out. It's really like when the titties is out that's how you know a bitch slayed a look. I was trying to look for any scars or anything but mm-mm they did a good ass job. None. 

They said look they said I am woman. I have another friend that has her titties done they look just like that. I was touching them I was like oh my goodness they feel so so soft. Do they feel soft? Yeah but I don't know the difference between a fake boob and a real one. That's true. Some girls are born with like firm titties and some girls are born with softer titties anyway. You know I couldn't tell you. 

They've got some nice firm titties. The way I bring up titties too often. Every time you bring up titties I think about the time when the bathroom had the hole at the top and we're looking through. We were all looking through. Me and the boys in Peru. 

She said ew fucking Pitos. Pitos but she was like 23. I know we were so young. Oh my god literally maybe. 

I know I miss Peru. I want to go back. Me too. 

Anyways speaking of um illegal activity. So I got a fun little quirky email from law enforcement. Oh silly and goofy email you guys. Silly this is an OD exclusive. Soon to be something else exclusive. 

So a few weeks ago I got an email. Didn't we because we didn't have our email up. So this motherfucker found me through Thank You Lex and emailed my Thank You Lex contacts and was like I have a trademark application in process for the off duty podcast. Mind you we're already knew who this guy was because his podcast is called the off duty podcast dash law enforcement. 

Mm hmm pig. Right. Oink oink the whole time we were like you know his is dash law enforcement. So like what that got to do with us. Mm hmm exactly. 

But he emailed me saying that and he trademarked it for literally just the off duty podcast rather than including dash law enforcement and he has the URL the off duty podcast dot com and I think he got the handle as well. Does he. I don't know. Oh my god. Girl fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck the police. 

That's the more if you listen in Anthony. Yeah, we said it don't take a person and we appreciate you giving us a heads up Love your vibe We put my HR cap on let me put my PR cap on like we are human relations public relations Love you my king But so then he hit me up with another email five in a moment saying the trademark is here I'm about to send you a cease and desist if you don't change your fucking name. Oh He freshly got out of bed. He said, hmm. Let me do my stretch and write this bitch No fresh and I was like go ahead and send me that proof and I looked it up myself and boom It was there the off-duty podcast is trademarked not by us So then I got to thinking and put my business cap on and I was like, let's finish this podcast and just cancel it Let's break up. We're done here Oh, yeah, the cause of right was on The blooded with the leaf. Yeah, I'm hanging up bitch, right? No, but I was like we need to start protecting our intellectual property if we really want to like take things So the next level next level We were think when we first got the email we were like, oh, we'll just change it to the OD pod or something but then it's like yeah, then we couldn't say the off-duty podcast at all and It would just be confusing especially if this guy's so serious of taking his podcast to the next level It would just be so many confusing parts with SEO and everything So we were like let's change the fucking name altogether And I've had a name that I've been holding on to because what's it gonna be you guys? I'm the brains of the show you guys. Yeah, we can see she got something on that. She got something on a big ass head so it makes sense girl. 

You're not like me. Yeah, I'm the secret brain behind it. Right, you the face on the brain girl. I got the big foe head. You got a big face. 

Oh, I've been working out y'all so I can have some abs for the podcast so soon I'm gonna be the abs, the chest and the arms. We're acting like the podcast is OF. We're like we need to get hats for the pod. No, let me bitch. I need to get these viewers. 

No, literally we're thirst trapping. If you know us from way back when and you want to judge us on how we clickbait You can go ahead and continue doing that because when we're rolling in these stacks You finna wish it was us. Any publicity is good publicity. Right. That's all I gotta say. 

So we're changing the name by the time you guys hear us next the name will be officially changed but we want to give you guys the opportunity to even give us suggestions to vote. We already have like the name in mind and we know That the transition is gonna be a little heavy on you guys. Are there any little babies? Are nipple babies? Come on, baby. Are little nipple babies? I know the transition is gonna be hard But you're gonna have to get over it. You're gonna have to transition with us and you're gonna have to support us. Exactly. At first we were like a little bit about it. Yeah, cuz they were so abrupt bitch like that came out of nowhere. Right. Well, not nowhere. 

He gave us a warning shout out to Anthony again. He gave us the two weeks, which I love. Yeah, well I asked for it. 

But yeah Off-duty represents a lot to us and it's part of our childhood But we're thinking like maybe this will be like the transition. How did you say it? Well, I was saying like how the cards were saying like off-duty is not gonna take off and I kept getting failed business venture cards coming up for off-duty. No, but you said something about like not connecting it to our childhood anymore like getting out of like the childish Did I say that? I'm so influenced. Yeah, you said some shit like that. I was like, you know what you read? Yeah, that is what I said. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I said it. 

It was me What did I say? Like it was us holding on to our childhood self. So now it's like us progressing to adulthood. Yeah, so you said some shit like that, but you said it in a way where I felt inspired. Like not disappointed. Oh my god, Grashby a life coach. Okay, calm down. No, not that much, my son. 

But yeah, so we're switching it to a name where we can trademark, where we can take the URL, where we can officially start moving things and that was another thing that it was like we probably wouldn't have started taking like the logistics of everything seriously. Until we started making like money from the podcast. Right, instead of doing it, taking it seriously now with like our intellectual property and things like that. So. But now we're ready for the next step whenever it comes. Yes, we should be ready, ready, whenever Spotify wants to be. 

We got lawyers. Whoever wants to fuck with our trademark now, bitch. We got lawyers. I mean, I gotta ask her, but yeah, we got lawyers. No, we got lawyers. 

Shout out to Mike. I know too. Shout out to my sister-in-law, my queen. Shout out to my co-worker and my friend. Yeah, so we're gonna get it together. It's an expensive process. 

You guys wish us luck. If you see a GoFundMe out, don't be surprised. I'm gonna go ahead and say it. 

Yeah, but we finna be on in Papa. Oh, no, no, no. We need it. Remember all that volunteering you used to do? Girl, we deserve it. Oh, at Mosey, I volunteered. Grab in Peru. Oh, girl. I was just talking about that with my friends too. 

We built a whole staircase. 

Oh, girl. Eight hours of that staircase. 

I performed a pap smear in the desert, girl. 

I taught kids how to brush their teeth for the first time. For the first time. 


We ate lunch around dogs with their urethra sticking out. 

Yeah, we sure did. And I gave them lunch because I couldn't eat but Mike's selfish ass was like yum, yum, yum. I literally got so skinny I could not eat. But we ate at night. 

But you were sick. 

I wasn't sick enough to eat dinner at night, girl. Every dinner I was, can I have seconds? And then we would go out to eat. I was fasting. 

There were so many people that weren't eating the lunch

. It was because the water was so hot. They don't believe in ice there and they don't believe in like coolers with ice.

 Because I think it makes you sick, yeah. 

Well, it does make you sick but they could put the ice in the cooler. Like it's not touching the water. Like. 

They think like the cold water like changes the temperature in your body and then it makes you sick. 

That is what it was. Yeah, some fucking ass tech shit. 

We're supposed to brush our teeth with bottled water, bitch. After day one of doing that, I was like, fuck this. I'm using this tap water. 

And that's exactly why I got a bacteria infection in my intestine.

 No, we got it from the food at the hostel.

 No, we got it from that ice that I ordered at that one spot with my sprite.

 Sure, because the tour guys were telling us like, yeah, y'all probably got it from the hostel food. 

They can go to hell because my grandma was... All the abuelitas that cooked for us every night that shit was bust down. 

So good. Okay, we're going, we're getting back on track again. You guys are going to have the opportunity to vote. We're pretty stuck on the name that we have. We're super excited about it. We're a little nervy. 

I think it goes with everything. Like you can make so much different business ventures with this new name. Right. Because that's the route we want to go. We want to get merch. We want to do our sex toy line. 

Yeah. Sex toys is real. 

We're not joking. We're not kidding about that. We're not kidding. 

Like I want, and we're going to try them live. I swear to God. We are kidding about that part. I'm going to do it on my OnlyFans by that point. You know what? We are going to start the OnlyFans. Ask the cards if... should make it to OF. 

Let me get my cards. You're going to do it now? I think she's going to do it now. Okay, you guys. So we're doing an impromptu card reading. We always do this on our free software. 

I know. We're going to ask the cards if... should be our new podcast name. Okay, cards should probably be the new name for the podcast. We got the ace of wands in reverse. Girl, I hate the reverse cards. They don't sound good. When you need them, they do. 

Mine says false start unrealized goal decadence stagnation sterility. The unrecognized goal. Oh my God. It's a no card. 

Fucking Christ, bro. I don't trust these guys. Fuck those cards, bro. 

Okay, let me... okay, you know what? I'm going to ask a more particular question. Should be the name of our empire that includes the podcast, the merch line, and the sex toy line. 

I ate some wands for a rest again. Maybe cause I shuffle twice not three times. Do whatever feels right. Some people just pick a card out and they're like that's fine. I would shuffle three times. That's my go to method. 

There we go. We got judgment. A change of position, rejuvenation, rebirth, re-birth. Okay, upright, reflection, intercalling, reckoning, awakening, rebirth, absolution. Oh, that's absolutely right. That is absolutely for the gods. One, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, two, one, one, one, two, three, three, three, get to the floor, pop the pussy. 

In most of our readings, yes or no, the judgment card is a neutral card but sways more towards a yes. I hear yes. I feel like they saying yes. I feel nauseous. I'm not going to lie to you. I think you're sick as a dog. 

I'm trying to look up what the card means for business. This self reflection will help you to have a clear and better understanding of where you are in life and which steps you need to take in order to move forward in a positive direction. Oh my God, that's so true because now we're looking into trademarks and stuff. The judgment card depicts a scene that is very similar to the famous Last Judgment. I'm about to be on TV. Cindy, the TV king. Naked women, men and children raz from their graves to respond to the call of the Master Judger. I'm about to have all eyes on me like Jesus at the Last Supper. It often suggests introspection and self-assessment of your past and current behavior. Now is the perfect time to weigh your actions and see to it that they are in line with your values and beliefs. I mean, we know what our values are. We want money. We want to be famous. And we want fame. 

I want to be famous. I want to be famous. I forever remember that kid. I want to be famous. Why you sound just like her? She grew up, y'all. Oh my God. It's been me the whole time. 

I want to be famous. Speaking of little kids. Peter, Peter. I like this is coming out as a pedophile, y'all. This is an exclusive f***er, exclusive. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a pedophile. I'm not a pedophile. 

This is an exclusive f***er, exclusive. Oh, wait. Okay, wait. 

In career tire reading, judgment indicates that you are being watched and evaluated. So now is the perfect time to run the extra mile and to be conscious of how you represent yourself. Girl, it's a law enforcement watch. Law enforcement. Anthony, you can stop listening. This isn't for you. 

If you've been working your ass off, your efforts will likely be acknowledged. We're going to make it, Mike. I'm going to be on the Today Show. Oh, f***, what's Chelsea Handler? We're going to meet Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy? Jimmy. 

Oh my God, I would lose my shit if I was on TV like that. I'll be so nervous. 

Honestly, I wouldn't be nervous. I'd be like, I'm made for this. 

Oh, no, I'm taking something before that. I'm going to be on there like, it hurts me to be still. I was just, it scares me to be still. 

I was just watching the Chris Rock live standout that he did for Netflix. And you could tell he was coked out and then he made a coke out joke. And I was like, I knew it. I knew that was his drug of choice. 

I was like, if I was a comedian doing standup, I would have to do a little bit of... 

Oh my God, yeah, bitch, because you have to talk the whole time. So I would need something. You have to be up. 

Like... Have you guys ever heard of a... And everybody's laughing. You're like, yeah. 

One time I did an interview on Adderall and I was so friendly and at the end I was like, so how do I do, girl? So what did you think? There were like any last questions. I was like, yeah, how did I do? I don't know it was so early in the morning. It was like 9 a.m. I was like this mm-hmm. 

Yeah It was a research assistant at Mount Sinai

 you was the put yeah all the times you try to make it to New York That's why you don't want to come here because you keep getting them nose But the yes is here the yes is waiting New York is waiting for you. I'll try for like five months again I think you have these these thoughts about it. I think it's time I think the cause of telling you move to New York City. 

I actually bitch had a revelation the other day I was thinking like I never got these jobs Because I just didn't have the passion a team in general for a job like they look for people with passion I was like 

oh they knew they knew you wasn't passionate. 

I Like it. I like the topic of like research. It's just I don't think I want to work. 

I never saw you doing it Anyway, I thought you just you was like, let me get my master's cuz it's free. I thought we knew that the whole time 

My personality says I'm supposed to like that type of job 

Well mine actually did mine says that I am supposed to like an analytic job Which I did for nine years. 

Well, you do analytics for 

I do like it I just don't like it in every case. I don't want to be a finance analyst Like I like analyzing because I'm good at it and I noticed everything Which is kind of toxic to me because then I forced myself to notice even more 

my personality test says that I notice all the small Details and I'm really good at it, but I suck at seeing the big picture. 

Oh mine says that I see the big picture And I can get everybody to see all the little details to get there like I'm definitely more of like a leading They say private investigator dictator Cuban hmm things are starting to click they compare me to mr. Castro and mr. 


Too great leaders

, but they've also compared me to Oprah and Beyonce

 hmm the juxtaposition of that statement 

It's all about perspective. It's all about how much healing you do, you know, like maybe if I didn't go to therapy I would have gone the dictator route. 

Well, thank God for that praise him praise be girl Like we said we recommend the Bible to you We did forget to mention the Bible you guys John 64 3 Slade Okay,

 wait should we make it to only fans are we gonna ask let's ask really quick is the podcast moving towards only fans 

Should the proper podcast move to only fans should for podcasts move towards only 

This is a oh D Exclusive we keep asking cuz we want a yes card for this cuz I want to my mom asked me She was like whatever happened to that website you were gonna make money off of God I'm nervous She's like you should do it 

I'm realizing how easy it is cuz once you see the numbers go up and you see money coming in from it It's so easy to certain only fans because I was like kind of not against it, but I was like, I don't see the point 

Oh, as long as I'm making money. I see the point girl, but it's also empowering Like I've been posting some shirtless photos on IG. I've been feeling myself. 

That's why I'm always posting my thirst drops I'm gonna we got the ten of cups, right? Yeah Stands for love peace agreement and teamwork. Oh sleigh. 

It's a yes. We've got to do a tag team. I I'm excited. We finally have our third and he's gonna be a male

 You know what it could be she's just misguided 

When the ten of cups enters your tarot reading you can rest assured knowing you'll soon be surrounded by fulfilling Experiences girl. 

We finna get on a PJ. Oh my god. Oh, it's a strong sense of love and togetherness girl Our community is winning. I think so like when I've been posting these shirtless photos. I've been getting some good responses It represents being supported on your road to success and always having people to fall back on when the going gets tough The money's always gonna be there from only fans if anything gets tough for us have faith 

What we said about the Lord today have faith in knowing that you're being surrounded by stability security and love Let's sing a little song for Jesus God is in his home and I'm proud to be an American Lisa Yo, the way I fucked with Toby keys back in the day when I have my country days. 

Oh girl I remember that disgusting phase you were disgusting phase Disgusting she was into muddin and trucking and going out the girls and drinking Miller live on a day Alice bowl No, my day I grew up with doing that type of hip shit

 But like going to country concerts and all that that was definitely a phase just so that I can do some underage drinking And that was really it, but I don't I don't do that. No, I don't listen to country music No, but Toby Keith he wasn't his king era Oh, but they make you sing that song when you become an American like a citizen

 No, yeah, cuz my brother had to go and my mom's like go with him and then they were like making everybody sing that they put 

On the projection. They were like, okay, everybody stand up and I'm proud to be I'm just shocked that they really play that

 But yeah, I guess we're gonna be on only fans. 

We're really gonna be making it 

We're ready to expand our empire bitch. Yeah, the empire is empire and the dynasty is dynasty and oh

 Alex Murdock on our team on our watch out cuz we finna take the throne and we got security on our Alex Alex whatever your name is baby boy. The throne is getting guys our lawyer and our killer. 

Yeah, a two for one The one to the one No, she needs to to the stage the one don't know what no one no one one the two No, no one no one no one one the fucking seven here buddy face for your triple right do it do it do it Maybe I should watch born this way our stars born bitch

 I knew which one even some I was like I kind of hate that movie. I do It's just a wild remake a movie for the fourth time is the real question. 

I Mean they be doing that with everything and let's be real parent trap. They didn't do that to mean girls to white chicks Go just wait for it's gonna come in like 20 years and it's gonna be shit. Yeah, yeah 

Well for us, but the new kids are gonna be like yeah generation Alpha whatever the fuck their names gonna be anyways. 

Well you guys we're gonna wrap it up here. We're gonna save you guys some time Head to our IG give us some suggestions Vote for one of our suggestions Honesty for real though if you do have a suggestion you can send it our way 

Yeah, we do want to build this community. So we want to make you guys feel like you're a part of it 

Yeah, and let us know how sad it is letting go of off duty Let us know if it's really gonna make a difference.

 Yeah, how do you feel? Do you feel scared? Are you gonna cry? Hey, what are you gonna wear the new launch party the launch? 

Can you imagine if we already made merch? But no, this is gonna be good for our future We're excited and after this won't ever have to change the name again, and that's all that counts. Yeah, and you guys are part of it

 Yeah, you're seeing every part of it actually you guys are part of the change part of this world part of Exclusive changes to this world. We are all humanitarians here exactly Anyways you guys 

I'm gonna let Alexis wrap it up. I'm always trying to wrap it up. 

All right as always Follow us for now. Oh Actually just keep following us look at the description and everything will be there Yeah, they are with us bear with the transition girl. You all know how long this should take but we love you follow us like us DM us Comments on us hunches bunches. We love a munch And have a good week. We love you so much. 

Happy Wednesday and Be divine be you and be true to divine design Book a spa day at the vine So shut them out. 

Fuck that place to find the sign timing They'd be putting a hand in the pretzel jar girl. Oh They as in me I put my whole hand in that Fisting the fucking pretzel jar that was precovid that was back in my 2014 Anyway, we love you guys and we'll see you next week with a new name Of why bye y'all. Bye. 

Ciao Be soon


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